Seems as if the airlines are still clowning and being targeted with lawsuits because of the clownery. More recently,…
United Airlines has launched an internal investigation after a passenger’s puppy died on a flight Monday night…
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee became the subject of one United Airlines passenger’s ire after the customer alleged that…
Imagine having a great career as a pilot with United Airlines and being able to find the time between layovers to…
It seems as if the airline-drama saga is not over yet. This time a Hawaii mom is furious after a United Airlines…
Imagine sitting on a tarmac for two hours and complaining about your baby getting sick because he started to…
The curse of terrible airlines apparently hasn’t ended. United issued an apology Tuesday after a video surfaced of a…
Some things are just poetic to witness ... like this one belligerent Donald Trump supporter being booted off a…
Dr. David Dao has reached a settlement with United Airlines for the injuries caused when he was brutally dragged off…
Either United Airlines is trying to rebrand itself as a whites-only airline, or its employees must have the IQs of…
The fact that someone actually came up with this question and thought it was good to ask amazes me. During a press…
Twitter has struck gold once again and has spent the last 24 hours ripping United Airlines a new one. So far the…
"Punk rock" entered our lexicon a couple decades ago as an adjective attached to things with no obvious connection…