Monument was focal point of 2017 "Unite the Right" riot
The museum's proposal has received support from groups on the local and national levels.
Workers will return on Thursday to remove the time capsule and decorative plaques.
Students at UT-Austin continue their fight to get rid of the school's controversial spirit song 'The Eyes of Texas.'
The statue was the subject of protests in the state capital last summer, and it's been a battle to remove it.
For some reason, racists in Portland really don't appear to like an enslaved Black man and voyager known as 'York.'
Have you wondered why no one has interviewed a K-12 CRT teacher, a respected doctor who's anti-vaccine or any of the…
The White Revisionist Guide to History must be one hell of a book.
The money comes from the African-American Cultural Heritage Action Fund, which was founded in 2017.
Y'all might want to sit down and grab some popcorn for this one. People really think BLM is some kind of organized…
The decision to take down statues of Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson was years in the…
Gordon-Reed's book of essays put a personal lens on the day commemorating the emancipation of Texas' enslaved…
Who knew it would only take 4 years and a whole race riot?
In recent months, there has been growing controversy surrounding the kinda, sorta, totally racist school song of the…
That we even have to debate whether a statue of Robert E. Lee should exist tells us how backwards many people in…
While I’m generally known for my quiet, kind-hearted demeanor and as someone who accepts racism quietly and would…
Welcome back to another installment of “You About to Lose Your Job: 2021 Edition!” Today’s story of avoidable…
White Lies Matter is a group that claimed responsibility for the disappearance of a Confederate monument in Selma,…
Considering the level of violence and chaos white supremacists brought to Charlottesville, Va., nearly four years…
For nearly a year now, a community in Duval County of Jacksonville, Fla., has been in the midst of a controversy…