Since the conclusion of the Civil War, lynching has been one of the country’s most prominent manifestations of…
Donald Trump is shook.
When someone is a complete and total jerk for no reason, we as a collective love to see them get what is coming to…
He fires them just as quickly as he hires them it seems. “President” Donald Trump has shown another of his…
This is your regular reminder that your “president” is a complete and total idiot.
Anthony Scaramucci lasted just 11 short days as Donald Trump’s White House communications director during the summer…
Iranian President Says White House Is ‘Afflicted by Mental Retardation’ as Trump Announces Sanctions
The Trump presidency has definitely lowered the bar as far as expectations when it comes to our world leaders and…
Two years to the date after he was unceremoniously fired from his job as head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation…
Deputy U.S. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, has officially submitted his resignation papers, stating that his last…
Every ten years, this sorta kinda important thing called the U.S. Constitution mandates that we take a head count of…
After he let his education secretary get flamed by every single person on the planet with compassion in their heart,…
Donald Trump is the kind of man who wants credit for everything.
Remember last month when your little “president” declared a national emergency because he wasn’t getting the money…
The day of reckoning has come. Michael Cohen, the president’s former fixer, former attorney, the Spliff Star to the…
For the fourth straight year, hate groups in the United States have grown in number. Donald Trump used his campaign…
Have you ever been watching or listening to someone speak, and suddenly the next thing that comes out of their mouth…
Good evening and welcome. Tonight, The Root’s Senior Editor Stephen A. Crockett Jr., Staff Writer Michael Harriot…
At this point, it should not be news to anyone that by all appearances, Donald Trump is a deranged lunatic who has a…
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi continues to son the shit out of your little “president.”