Gov. Andrew Cuomo is joining the fight against Karen-ing by urging state lawmakers to pass a bill next week that…
At this point, the fact that the country is currently in upheaval over racist policing shouldn’t be lost on anyone.…
The constant whirlwind of awfulness that’s been 2020 has had a good chunk of us feeling like this pear. I, like most…
The Louisville Metro Council’s Public Safety Committee voted unanimously Wednesday to approve Breonna’s Law, an…
A medical examiner’s report revealed that a black man died of oxygen deprivation while being detained by police…
For days, President Trump has been threatening to use military force to stop peaceful protesting in the name of…
The month of May has been taxing. It began with growing awareness about the deaths of Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud…
It seems like we can’t go more than a week or so without a new video popping up in our news feeds showing police…
Amy Cooper made herself famous for all the wrong reasons when she called the police to report “an African-American…
A white woman took Karen-ing to a whole new level when she called the police on a black man in New York City’s…
Here’s a question: Are black people ever allowed to be afraid? White people and police officers have been able to…
There is a lot to worry about given the entire state of, well, everything. Your personal information being given to…
White men can’t jump but apparently, they sure can leap.
It’s been two months since 26-year-old Breonna Taylor, a Louisville, Ky., EMT, was fatally shot by police officers…
The killing of Ahmaud Arbery as well as the effort to re-open states despite COVID-19 ravaging black communities has…
At this point, it’s not terribly surprising to find out a police department is filled with the same kind of people…
I’m sure you, like me, are tired of reading about all the doom and despair associated with the current pandemic. So…
You really don’t need me to give you the customary “Yo, this pandemic shit is crazy” intro. At this point, I’m sure…
The COVID-19 pandemic has unleashed a litany of problems upon the American public. Outside of just trying to avoid…
On March 13 in Louisville, Ky., 26-year-old Breonna Taylor was shot to death in what appeared to be a botched police…