Good old America. Even in the midst of a public health crisis it still finds a way to keep up with the tried and…
It’s been trying times, folks. You would hope a crisis affecting every level of American life would put a temporary…
The Miami-Dade County chapter of the NAACP is calling for the resignations of City Manager Jimmy Morales and Police…
In today’s “Water is Wet” news we find, once again, that when police are sent to target civilians at random, black…
Much like many of you reading this, Michael Fesser is black.
For as much as a lot of cops spend their time looking to harass innocent citizens, we are always wishing we could…
Dayton Kingery got an education he didn’t initially apply to school for.
I don’t really understand the world we live in sometimes. Okay, most of the time. For example, why do the police not…
As a black man in America whose survival instincts require me to avoid police at all costs, I’ve heard plenty of…
An unidentified man died in the front passenger seat of a police cruiser in Prince George’s County, Md., on Monday…
The D.C. Police Department is showing us a shred of decency and common sense often found lacking in law enforcement.…
Could you imagine how it feels to have served in the military and then work a quarter of a century for the…
California is thought by many to be the be-all-end-all of progressive states. Apparently, though, there are even…
So if the last couple years or so have made something apparent, it’s that white people love calling the police over…
Given the choice of superpowers, would you rather have the ability to fly or the power of invisibility?
Black people have enough problems without police unnecessarily complicating our lives, and it makes it extra…
It’s weird to write news that doesn’t feel like news, but here it goes: A new study confirms what we have always…
The City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection has finally appointed a sister to run the show—and she plans to…
Another day, another example of police officers just being straight trash. I really don’t have any other way to put…