Black women are hauled over the white-hot coals of racism and sexism on the regular, in real life and especially…
Children are tons of fun. Sure, they’re a lot of work, too, but you get used to that, and pretty soon the work is…
One of the great things about being a parent is watching your child (or children) blossom into whatever kind of…
With an endless array of pristine landscapes and animals that are native to no other region in the world, the…
I should begin this article by comparing LaVar Ball to my father, but I can’t because ... I don’t know that dude.
Two weeks ago, I dropped my son off to college somewhere in Virginia. It wasn’t a tear-filled dropoff. You know the…
I have three kids. One is 8 (I have no idea what you call the 8-year-old phase of life) and the other two are…
In 2009, I became a parent to a beautiful daughter. She is the light of my life. From 2010 to 2015, I lived two very…
Before my son was born, I did not cry much. For instance, I was able to successfully navigate the untimely demise of…
I’m not going to lie and sugarcoat how I feel about parenting. When I describe it to friends who don’t have kids, my…
After 18 months of fatherhood, I can pretty much say that it's been what I expected it to be so far. The Feminist…
Sometimes it’s easy to forget it ever happened, to go about life and never have it surface in the forefront of my…
It took roughly a month at Sterrett Classical Academy for me to be known as the best basketball player there; an…
One mother’s Facebook post has sparked a conversation about sharing and whether or not kids should be made to share.…
A St. Louis dad, who only wants to be known as “Tommy,” went viral recently after trolling his son at an NBA game…
In November 2015, I wrote a piece called “Babies Aren’t Birth Control, Day Care Is Birth Control,” where I expressed…
I'm going to keep this short. Because I've already written on this topic. And because Stacey Patton's brilliant and…
Day care employees at a Houston child care facility gave parents with cellphones permanently attached to their faces…
As my wife and I careen into the last few weeks of her pregnancy and prepare for life with our new little girl, it’s…
Today, the #AcrossTheFence interview series with my dad culminates with two segments — one where I explain how and…