Like many young fathers, Donte Palmer is eager to take on a greater share of childrearing responsibilities that have…
The #LawrenceHive got to sing praises and rejoice when Lawrence popped up on Issa at the convenient store in Episode…
Have you ever accidentally ended up in the middle of a fight by sheer virtue of your location and inability to…
It’s back-to-school time in America. Your Facebook timelines are full of pictures of back-to-school pictures of kids…
Perhaps later this year, after the midterms and/or in two years after the next presidential election, we’ll be able…
Father’s Day is here. It’s time to let the love flow in both word and deed in celebration of real men. I’m talking…
When I’m in the studio, I sometimes have these visions of conversations I’d like to have with my father. It leads me…
Since my daughter was born, I’ve had two very clear objectives: 1) Raise a good human being who goes to Spelman…
Editor’s note: Corey Richardson, the author of We Used to Have Money, Now We Have You! A Dad’s Bedtime Story, is a…
Editor’s note: It’s very important for me to mention that I have two mothers. I was largely raised by my black…
One Arizona teen received, quite literally, a shock after his mother allegedly woke him up for Easter church service…
My son is only 2 years old—he’s loving and outgoing. He runs to strangers with open arms, saying “Hug” in his cute…
Somehow, I didn’t realize that This Is Us had returned to my Tuesday nights. The last episode I saw was THE episode…
I don’t remember the first time I bumped the back of my daughter’s head on the top of the passenger-side rear door…
The Washington, D.C., area is under a high-wind warning. There are winds gusting at up to 60 miles per hour. In the…
The recent case of an alleged serial killer in Tampa, Fla., raises an interesting question—namely, should parents be…
Parents, stop me if you’ve heard any of this before. Of my three children, my youngest, Rome, is by far the biggest…
Being a parent is awesome. It teaches you about yourself. For example, you get to learn your true “patience”…
Please forgive me, for I have sinned.