The Trump administration is continuing its tradition of speaking to crowds that are largely favorable to its…
The U.S. Department of Justice filed a lawsuit Tuesday evening against the state of California, its governor and its…
Donald Trump picked Jeff Sessions to be the attorney general of the United States, but he quickly turned on him when…
The president is proof that a subhuman nonthinking white man can one day become the leader of the free world.…
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is a genius when it comes to playing the racist dog whistle. During a speech Thursday…
Jeff Sessions has made no secret of the fact that he cares more about punishing people who use and sell marijuana…
In 2012 I was shot five times by Pittsburgh police. Although I survived, I was paralyzed and, soon thereafter,…
If Attorney General Jeff Sessions is not a white supremacist, he sure plays one well. In fact, he can’t even do…
In September 2017, Attorney General Jeff Sessions decided that under his leadership, the U.S. Department of Justice…
Attorney General Jeff Sessions was interviewed by special counsel Robert Mueller last week, making him the first…
Instead of focusing on much more important issues like the opioid crisis and the steady dismantling of American…
Why was it so important to President Donald Trump to have Attorney General Jeff Sessions oversee the Russia…
What happened to Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III that made him devoted to ruining the one pleasure that many of us…
As the year comes to a close, The Root takes a look back at those who took an L. We aren’t talking the kind of loss…
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, the attorney general with the Mariah Carey memory, traveled to Milwaukee today to…
The FBI created a 12-page document that ostensibly targets the Black Lives Matter movement titled, “Black Identity…
While on vacation in California recently, I smoked weed in front of my mom for the first time.
You know the feeling. You’ve just walked into a fine retail establishment, determined to drive yourself further into…