My next-door neighbor ran over a snake once, and that snake stayed in the middle of the street until it finally…
The Associated Press is reporting that Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen has drafted an executive…
America tried everything to keep the migrants out. Men and women were arrested at the border. Children were…
Jeff Sessions Explaining How the Trump Administration Is Not Like Nazi Germany Is Peak Dumpster Fire
For the Trump administration, the bottom appears to be nonexistent. On the same day that Department of Homeland…
Around A.D. 49, the Roman emperor Claudius expelled the Jews from the city of Rome. Historians argue about the exact…
If you hear somebody quote the Bible outside of church, it’s usually not a good sign. The occasional gasp of “Jesus…
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a mindless propaganda puppet, and U.S. Attorney General Jeff…
The Justice Department announced Tuesday that it has arrested more than 2,300 suspected online child-sex offenders…
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has always been trash. He openly hates arguably the most peaceful herb of all herbs,…
Last week while we were all debating whether it was Laurel or Yanny, watching white people calling the police on…
Donald Trump has been the conspiracy whisperer throughout his entire public life. Even before he was president, he…
On Monday the Department of Justice announced that it was hitting 57 members of white supremacist gangs with charges…
U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions was quick to recuse himself from the Russia investigation. It is a decision that…
During President Donald Trump’s tweet storm from his private shithole known commonly as Mar-a Lago in Florida, the…
Donald Trump hates Jeff Sessions with a passion. Sessions thought he was going to be a Trump guy, coming out all…
President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly shown his utter disdain for the rule of law, the FBI and the Justice…
Last year I wrote about an environmental-racism conspiracy in which a corrupt black congressman implicated Jeffrey…
I’ll bet every morning, Jeff Sessions slaps at his alarm and curses it until it finally stops going off. He probably…
It’s so funny to me how those who hate to use quotas for something decent like leveling the playing field for the…
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe only needed to make it until Sunday to reach his 50th birthday and a…