This week on Auntie Unfiltered, I go into the mailbag and answer a question from a white woman who wants to know…
*DJ Khaled voice* AND ANOTHER ONE!!!
Adele is a multi-Grammy award-winning singer whose soulful song stylings have made her a fairly universal fave (we…
Hey, Hollywood! You want to continue with the lazy Black stereotypes? Well, bring it on—because folks like Gabrielle…
“Every time we get some, y’all come trying to steal it, putting some blonde hair on it, and calling it something…
He hadn’t even been dead a week. George Floyd, crushed under the weight of a Minneapolis police officer, hadn’t even…
A twisted tale only recently came to our attention, but feels especially relevant today as Paula Deen and her loyal…
TikTok has become a cultural phenomenon, and like most things in pop culture, the black community is leading the…
Hot damn heaux, here we go again!
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When in Ralph Lauren, keep our black Greek iconography off of your chinos. In…
This year’s Golden Globe Awards witnessed Chet Hanks, Tom Hanks’ son, speaking patois on camera, which left the…
Orlando Jones is not here for that culture vulture mess!
Sometimes, “a seat at the table” just means “sit there and make us look good while we pick your brain, exploit your…
That’s it. That’s the entire post. No others need apply. Ever.
Cardi B may have brought the catchphrase “okurrr” into the mainstream (and even into the Super Bowl ad echelon, via P…
A Year After Trademarking the Word ‘Kimono,’ Backlash Convinces Kim Kardashian to Do the Right Thing
Well, wonders never cease...and it only took a year for you to grow some damned common sense, Kim.
Netflix’s new documentary, The Lion’s Share, chronicles the history of the song “The Lion Sleeps Tonight,” how it…
“If we made a mistake, I was the person who made the mistake,” Gucci CEO Marco Bizzarri told the Washington Post…