Just hours before a deranged white man stormed two New Zealand mosques and killed some 49 people, Rep. Bennie…
During a two-hour hearing on Capitol Hill, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin made it clear that he would comply with…
President Donald Trump has issued the first veto of his presidency on Friday, striking down a bipartisan resolution…

As a rule of thumb in Spades, it’s best to play the little joker after the big one’s taken a book. As a rule of…
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not only new to Congress, she’s also new to buying furniture for her own place. So she…
They grow up so fast.
New York’s freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has raised plenty of eyebrows during her first few months in…
After his failed summit in North Korea, President Donald Trump claimed Friday that his former hitman shopped a book…
The president’s former fixer and attorney Michael Cohen has reportedly asked for a half tux/half gown number to…
Donald Trump may not have gotten his wall on the U.S./Mexico border, but a new bill approved by Congress yesterday…
Though Trump may look for a loophole, it seems there will be no wall after all.

On Tuesday, the president of people who buy jogging baby strollers said he’s not “happy” with a bipartisan…
House and Senate negotiators have reached an “agreement in principle” to avoid a second government shutdown.
Trump wants it to be one way. He may soon learn it’s the other way.
When Donald Trump approaches the podium to wheeze through his sad little State of the Union address Tuesday night…
![I Don’t Care What Y’all Say, If Buzzfeed Brings Down President Trump, I’m Inviting Them To The Cookout [Updated]](https://i.kinja-img.com/image/upload/c_fit,q_60,w_645/pju1oyphwu7fv1idyz2b.jpg)
If BuzzFeed’s report that the president told his former lawyer and fixer to lie to Congress about the Moscow Tower…
President Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, who was once married to his second cousin, believes that Trump’s legal team…
If you cut your finger, the last thing you want to hear is how precious your other fingers are. It’s a pretty damn…