If freshman congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is known for speaking her mind, she’s becoming just as well known…
Nobody knows what to call them yet.
When Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mn.) was sworn into the 116th Congress today, the Somali-American became the first woman to…

Senate Republicans have kindly told President “Boarder” Wall to go fuck himself over his claims that they should…

There might’ve been a blue surge during the 2018 midterm elections, but the “wave” Democrats were predicting turned…
The blue wave is coming. And if the midterms turn out in favor of Democrats, well, seats will flip and in the end,…
Despite several outbursts from protesters, Congress voted 50 to 48 to confirm embattled judge Brett Kavanaugh to the…

In what might be the weirdest dustup of 2018, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Tex.) and resident nutjob Alex Jones (W-hite)…
Congressional candidate Mark Roberts is hot water after an offensive tweet in which he shamed sex workers and…
Civil rights icon and U.S. Congressman John Lewis was hospitalized Saturday after falling ill on a flight to…
President Mein Führer von SpankDat is excluded from the “most hated in the White House” game because he would win…
Ilhan Omar is a Somali-American politician who escaped from Somalia as a child, grew up in a Kenyan refugee camp and…

If the fate of the world rested on Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’ ability to answer a question about anything…
Much has been said of the government responses to the opioid epidemic—specifically that it is leniently and…
On Thursday, Compton, Calif., Mayor Aja Brow, the superhero foil to right-wing Stacey Dash’s bogus attempt at…
Compton, Calif., Mayor Aja Brown is considering throwing her hat into the congressional ring after black apologist…
President Donald Trump is batshit crazy, and one of the good things about being batshit crazy is that you don’t have…
Saturday is the one-year anniversary of President Donald Trump’s inauguration, and you must admit that he’s managed…