Yesha Callahan
Bye, Kinja! It's been fun (occasionally).

The other intern’s parents pay her $2,100 rent?

Rent: I don’t pay rent because I sleep on my cousin’s couch. Lucky Ms. Marketing’s parents pays her $2,100 rent.

I need a calm playlist.

I loved this article. You made me go back in time. When I was a PA at a TV post house in LA I used to steal the RAMEN in the work kitchen so I’d have something to eat for dinner.

Someone on another Kinja site did a break down, factoring in all the money she gets or doesn’t have to spend herself, and that interns hourly is more like $82/hr.

Hang on. So this marketing intern (who somehow makes $25 an hour?) has the gall to tell us about real life when her parents pay her $2100 rent and give her an extra $800 a month? Fuck that.

By and Yesha are doing Black Jesus’ work...bless you chillins.  

That sounds like radical socialism.

That acorn did not fall far from the tree. Always been a big fan of her dad’s and think I’ll definitely be looking for her stuff soonest.  

So the Black cop shows up and I’m sure the white woman did NOT want to see that. LOL! She was prolly saying to herself, ‘why can’t a white cop show up so I can play my white victim card.’ The Black cop didn’t speak white entitled victim (and we never have) so there went that.

My grandmother kept a snapped off broom handle around the house. I knew exactly what it was for. And this was what my mother basically turned into the time my stepbrother came home from school with a bad looking bruise that his teacher had given him. I understand exactly where you are coming from.

Jesus tap dancing Christ. At minimum, this is extreme negligence, and that daycare needs to be shut down. I’ve worked in daycares/ preschools and seen administration ignore older children with behavior issues who consistently act out on younger children, and caregivers get jaded. I reported them too. At worst, this

Are you going for locks or just not brushing it? If you’re actively going for locks, then I’d suggest either going to a professional or getting someone you know who knows what they’re doing to get them started for you. If not, then get on with the brushing or find a product like leave in conditioner or serum that cuts

I remember a tweet saying yt people’s “locs” look like Grinch fingers and I haven’t been right since...


So many conflicting feelings and thoughts here.

So hitting someone is what this place refers to as an, “allergic reaction?” In that case, the employees at that Center were lucky that mother didn’t come at them like a swarm of angry bees. No amount of Epi-pens would save their sorry asses...

!!!! Didn’t the exact same thing just happen like 2 months ago to another child??

These white women (even the guy at the pool, called because a white woman complained), should be ticketed and/or arrested for needlessly calling 911. For the love of all things holy are they that racist or just ignorant? Both I’m betting. Calling the police because someone is wearing socks at the pool! She should have