You’ve been busy! As always, I’m enjoying reading, thinking, and learning...
You’ve been busy! As always, I’m enjoying reading, thinking, and learning...
Micheal, keep speaking truth to power! Btw, why you working weekends? Surely you have some vacation to burn? They don’t give a brother a break around here? Lol.
“Among the Harriots, I serve as the family’s personal Google search bar. They call me whenever they want to know anything.”
Wrong, Tammy - people are being mean to you because you are a feckless cunt.
For the other white people in the grays:
I live in memphis and helped make the white chick famous for finding her profile and her job’s corporate number. What folks don’t realize is this: this is why blacks are mad...
Maybe this is why people think black folk can't swim; because every damn time we try someone calls the cops on us. And STFU about "eww, he had socks on". Do you really think the people themselves or their swimsuits are any cleaner (more importantly, do you honestly think EVERYONE gets out of the pool to pee?)
“When the officer (who was black) showed up, it seemed as though Walker didn’t have much to say:”
I bet when she saw the officer was black she was SHOOK. No playing the victim honey, use your big girl words and be extra polite.
Thank you, Ms Callahan, for writing this and to The Root in general for constantly calling out all the “while black” police calls in recent years. These racist aggregations need to be exposed. One of the more tragic things about this incident is the fact that there is a child (an adorable one, at that) simply swimming…
When the officer (who was black) showed up, it seemed as though Walker didn’t have much to say:
I cannot believe (*sigh* yes I can) that people are fixated on, “but did he wear socks IN the pool?” as opposed the fact that the (thankfully fired) apartment manager is a blatant racist.
WOW, surprise, some white man came up with an anti-opinion about the activist work of a black woman without actually researching what she was standing up for and just assuming she stood for “nothing”. Oh but you vaguely admit that you admire some black folk who did some activist work you can’t even properly describe wa…
Da fuck? It’s like they don’t read newspapers and notice all the people causing frivolous confrontations losing their jobs.
Amy Schumer, come get your racist sister.
Hmm. I wonder how the grays will make excuses for this one? Perhaps he was concealing razor sharp toenails.
I love the self righteous ‘you’re being ridiculous’ look she’s giving them. Complete with hands on hips.
If you marinate the breasts shouldn’t be dry.
How could someone be so wrong in their life?
I eat it at least once a week (ugh, my heart! Elizabeth..I’m coming...) and give zero fucks what it looks like or if it’s funny to any of my white acquaintances. Funny enough, my Central American friends understand and feel me completely.