That part!!
That part!!
I have an actual phd. No one with a phd signs lists their undergrad degree. The only phds who actually go by “doctor” are assholes.
They should have done this movie in NBA Jam animation with the big heads.
I still wish they’d got Bill Russell. I mean, you wouldn’t even have to put him in make-up.
Seriously, it’s the: “I wasn’t even really calling the cops.” thing that makes me irrationally angry. So..she knows the fear that your average African American has at the thought of dealing with the police; and decided to use that fear to scare an 8 year old girl....
I’ve managed to live with my anxiety through persistent and aggressive compartmentalization, but I can totally relate to some of those illnesses, the stomach aches especially! I spent so many days home from school due to stomach aches and diarrhea that my mother was convinced that I was making it all up. For a long…
Good for him!
2 points I want to make:
1) Want to know a great way to get a kid to stop being loud trying to sell bottles of water or lemonade, etc? Take a $20, walk out to the kid and tell them you’ll buy out their stock for the day. You make that kid’s day and you get your quiet back.
2) I grew up being told it was a crime in and…
Wait, is bone-broth an Asian thing? My black (proudly Jamaican) mom has been doing that for years.
I’m here for this! #cacklesinoldlady *43 in July* 😂😂😂😂
I hope #PermitPatty got put under the jail for wasting the police’s time and for harassing a child.
An old Chinese lady hit two cars multiple times a block from my house and I stopped her, called the SFPD, and asked them to send out someone who spoke Cantonese to make an accident report. They refused. If the SFPD showed up to cite an eight year old girl for selling water when they won’t respond to non-injury traffic…
I took off a half point because BET had a dish that involved hot Cheetos and meatballs.
my pool is at 85 - come through!
“I turn 42 in August, and although I’m often mistaken for a 20-something millennial (thank you coconut oil and good genes)“
This is awesome, hadn’t seen it before but it needs to be spread far and wide. I’m a white dude, but I’m looking forward to calling the cops on my racist ass white neighbors over some bullshit that day.
Can you imagine having a life so devoid of shit to do that you could even begin to give a rat's ass about someone selling water without a permit? The mind boggles.
Heffer is such a solid, underused insult