Yesha Callahan
Bye, Kinja! It's been fun (occasionally).

This was a compelling introduction to these authors work Talon of God.

I have met Otis many times and he has severe mental illness. When properly treated Otis is a great guy.

Clearly Otis has not been taking his medications. I hope he gets the treatment that he clearly needs.

I see Kanye’s “let’s piss off the black folks” schtick has now extended to “let’s piss off everyone else and achieve Level 10 Asshole status”.

“You asshole s are a disgrace, you are,just as bad as the racist lynching whites.”

For me, other than they obvious poor taste and shocking lack of compassion, the $85,000 question is exactly who got paid for the use of this photo? As it doesn’t have Houston’s image in it I imagine that may not be the estate of Whitney Houston, and I’m not sure who would have been photographing that bathroom other

Damnit. He had to? Nah. He could have literally put ANYTHING else on the cover — trump even — and I’d have listened to it. He’s determined. Is he tryina see how much shit he can pull? C’mon man. What a troll.

Does anyone have a photo of Donda West in patient clothes or examination room?

I am sick to death of this people who peddle hatred and then are surprised at blowback.

Bless you Yesha! Tikki Tikki Titbitch deserves more than just water being hurled at her.

I always wondered if your name rhymed with mine. Was 1991 (not) fun for you, too?

Tomiknockers?!? I’m dead.

She’s like definitely the Commander’s wife from Handmaid’s Tale, right?

Teabaghee can go kick rocks over a cliff.

Poor I, Tonya

I wonder what Turpentine Layers would think of this Torment Laffriot’s victim mentality...

WTF is up with Hannity’s head? He looks so... weird. Is it that the part in his hair is in a strange place? Is that even real hair? Does he have ears?

Now we know that conservatives’ sympathy is reserved for those who get hit with water, but not bullets. Thanks for that one, TicTac. Now at least we know what the deal is with that issue.

At no time have I ever forgot that Tammy Faye Trihard is a real person with real feeling. I just don’t have a problem with her feelings being shown the same regard that she shows the feelings, rights, dignity, and safety of black and brown people.

Wouldn’t it be better to also ignore it this time since it was recorded?