Yay! I am here for this in all its glory. You look fantastic, btw.
Yay! I am here for this in all its glory. You look fantastic, btw.
Ouch. Well Yesha giveth and Yesha taketh away.
I did in fact tear up.
People who are charged with prostitution while 18 or under aren’t criminals, they are witnesses.
i-esha like mine which is aiysha also? well..........cool! would have neva guess that.
She should have checked the law???
Virginia’s wiretapping law is a “one-party consent” law. Virginia makes it a crime to intercept or record any “wire, oral, or electronic communication” unless one party to the conversation consents. Virginia Code § 19.2-62.
What is going on at that school that they don’t want recorded? It sure seem that the school blew this whole thing up for such a little thing
This is why I get pissed off at all these Mary Kay Letourneau wannabes and people’s reactions to them! Idiotic men suggest they wish they’d had a hot teacher on them & don’t understand it was assault, it was rape. People suggest that somehow it doesn’t hurt boys to be molested by women.
Pedophiles are fucking gross. I don’t care if you’re a male/female. Just being sexually attracted to any child is fucking gross. Sorry not Sorry
Hi. I love you. Looking forward to my brisket tomorrow - I will not be touching the turkey.
I cannot understand why anyone chooses to eat a pig’s shit chute.
Is battered person syndrome not a viable defence in the US? In Canada a court possibly would have found that she acted in self-defence, even if the deceased wasn’t posing an immediate threat to her.
Tiny or not, this is an injustice.
No child should have been sentenced like this. Especially her.
Nobody was going to help her including the police so she took it into her own hands that is amazing it takes so much courage she’s already traumatized then to be thrown in jail on top of that it’s either really lazy law enforcement or very purposeful corruption.
See Translation.
Pimps and child sex predators should fear for their goddamned trash lives. We should be celebrating this girl’s amazing strength and resiliency to free herself from an unimaginably horrific circumstance, and yet she’s sitting in prison.
Oh god she’s so tiny... fucking set her free!
You are the light of my life. (Mostly my days at work, while I am drowning in a sea of super-salty white tears). Thank you, sir, for your service.
May I someday have the wit and wherewithal to construct so blistering a takedown as this.
You, Mr. Harriot, are an absolute exemplar of the art of the written word. Thank you for this.