Yesha Callahan
Bye, Kinja! It's been fun (occasionally).

This is why I had to give up even trying to follow what began passing as hip hop years ago. I predict the same thing that happened with jazz and then rock will happen with hip hop: White people will continue taking it over, and when I am old and wrinkled and half-deaf, young Black people will consider it “white people

This probably meant so much to him. Tearing up now.

Now that you mention it Senator Wilson was the one who was bringing the most coverage to this but even that news has died down.

That’s beautiful. I’m so glad she was able to have her dad be part of the ceremony, and that people were willing and able to accommodate her.

hispanic men don’t cry. Thats just toughness being squeezed out.

As a father who will never be able to walk his daughter down the aisle, this really warms my heart. Thank you.

Lovely. He still needs to step down though.

Damnit, it’s dusty in here

I’m not eyes are just sweating from all this emotional exercise...


How do I post pictures of my personal visions? Help please!

the temperature just dropped like 10 degrees

I have come to a very painful realization as a white person watching this:

Minister Reese presided over my client’s wedding and when she delivered the line about “if there is any reason why this marriage cannot go forward, speak now” I had to specifically visualize the divorce I had obtained for him! Yes, he can get married! A wonderful lady..

Oh, wow. She was a seriously talented woman.

Oh I know that. I probably should have worded it better. I don’t think it’s a misogynist word, but some commenters on Jez will use any opportunity as an excuse to say someone is being treated unfairly because they’re a woman.

I’m thinking Roy’s base skews MAD honky, which seems to have been Yesha’s point.

American-style White Supremacy to be more specific, though.

Figured Drake would do Virginia Slims commercials first...

He could have groped a preschool boy in a church, on live tv, while pissing on the flag and the original copy of the Constitution, all while writing a law to take away all guns and they wouldn’t care. He will do everything he can to hold down/keep out/fuck over non whites, non”Christians” non-heterosexuals. That’s all