This is what gets me about victim-blamers and deniers. If Terry Crews can be put in a situation like that, why is it unbelievable for women to be in a situation where they can’t say no or fight back?
This is what gets me about victim-blamers and deniers. If Terry Crews can be put in a situation like that, why is it unbelievable for women to be in a situation where they can’t say no or fight back?
I get so much use from this one! Reset the counter!
I’m shocked! Shocked, I say! How could such a tweet happen?
You all are laughing at this, but I live in the Tampa Bay area and the wipipo here have gone nuckin futs. They bring these ‘support animals’ everywhere. Grocery stores, restaurants, hospitals.....Nasty mfs. They prefer animals to people because they can be in charge in a ‘relationship’ with something that won’t argue…
So, wait, I’ve had lutefisk, and bleached my hair blonde once, and I love cold weather, and those old school LL Bean sweaters, you know the ones, navy blue with the white checks. I felt right at home in Iceland. And the sea. Always the sea...
depending on the style of dinuguan, it can be spicy or not. the two sides of my family are from different parts of the Philippines and make the dish differently. The main parts are the same but my did makes his a bit thicker while my aunt (mom’s sister) makes hers a bit soupy. that said, neither is very spicy because…
I wanted to post this about “Concrete Park”. If you want to make your own comic but are not the best artist here might be a way to visually tell your story.
But they were written and/or directed by white folks so not really in keeping with the title of the article unless you were to consider the actor as a driving force behind them.
So there’s squirrel piss and shit everywhere? That’s all I can think of when I see people’s hamsters and gerbils and rats free roaming the house. They immediately scurry behind that couch and dump everywhere.
Bossip had problems with viruses, so I stopped paying them any attention years ago.
Rodent vs. pet, delusional condo owner vs. oppressive condo owner association—truly these are the questions of our time
Et tu, Brutis?
The board classifies Boylan’s pet as an “exotic” animal
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this list. Please do not overlook the Blade movies and TV series.
Being of Haitian and Dominican descent, I can attest to the fact that both sides of the island have serious issues with internalized hatred of skin. Dominicans have too many words to describe all the shades of brown and black; it’s like a social thermometer there. As for Haitians, the diaspora has gotten slightly…
What kills me is the whataboutism here: This is not equal to tanning, this is not equal to wearing a weave (crap I saw on The Root FB comments), this is some pure self hatred that needs some intervention and love before it spreads and inspires someone who hates themselves and just need that little bit of a push.
Yeah it’s more than just “Oops I didn’t know it bleached your skin! I was just softening my skin.” Look at his hair. It looks less tightly curled as before. Yeah this is a Michael Jackson that he’s doing to himself. Next thing will be to get a nose job.
Are you seriously comparing tanning - something the skin naturally does when exposed to light, something that is temporary - to artificial skin bleaching? Sit your raggedy, stupid ass all the way down in all the seats.