He looked so much better with some pigment IMO.
He looked so much better with some pigment IMO.
What if he also got some kind of accent coach and diligently practiced his English daily. He could pass. But then what if he got his woman pregnant and the kid came out all dark and he took the mama on Maury? I would giggle. To death.
Simple truths for everyone.
Now this is true. He is absolutely known for being a scoundrel, and I’ve witnessed it myself. He has a terrible reputation for being inappropriate with women.
I suspect it has more to do with pain, emotional or otherwise. And since science and medicine have no tools at all to independently measure pain perception* in humans or any animals, I suppose that’s where the investigation has to end.
If there was such a concern for mental health then sociologists, clergy members, and psychologists would be BUSY, as in demand as STEM, and better compensated.
Although if this is a mental-health problem, perhaps Trump is to blame because he did sign into law a bill that rolled back an Obama administration measure that had made it harder for people with mental illness to procure firearms.
As a victim of domestic violence I am tired of the narrative about mental illness as well. The funny thing is, you never actually hear what mental illness the person supposedly has. Depression? Anxiety? Bipolar disorder? One of the many lovely personality disorders that may or may not be classified as mental illnesses?
“By the way, those survivors and family members of the victims? They are dealing with mental-health challenges as they struggle to understand why their loved ones were tragically taken away and why the government repeatedly fails to prevent these senseless losses of life due to people behaving badly.”
Sure let’s look up the definition:
Sexual Harassment (noun)
harassment (typically of a woman) in a workplace, or other professional or social situation, involving the making of unwanted sexual advances or obscene remarks.
So... making a statement about one’s physically appearance, an unwanted physical contact (the kiss)…
Oh damn Burn you getting in on this? Its been a hell of a comment read. I do have to say that this person not releasing their name is making their story more unbelievable. I’m really hoping she lets us know who they are otherwise it’ll be dismissed on as a troll. This is the only way to really start to discredit her…
“People cannot read minds” - umm well if John singleton had behaved professionally, he wouldn’t have had to read anyone’s mind.
Many can vouch that he has always been respectful to women privately & professionally
Please don’t confuse sexual harassment in the workplace with sexual harassment, the act when a person is harassed by someone else who makes sexual comments or touches inappropriately.
Yeah, speak up! What’s your name again?
It is my sincere hope that anyone who buys this is placed on a list of people to be shot into the sun.
This is posted late so not sure if others will see but I think in addition to not being believed if black; there is also the societal belief that women who don’t conform to society’s expectations of beauty SHOULD BE grateful when some man finds them sexy and comments on it in public.
Thank you for sharing this.
As a dude (cis-het), I don’t think I’ve ever had to deal with something like this. I’ve been cat-called once or twice by friends back when I was in college, but that always felt playful—never derogatory, never as if someone else were trying to take ownership over my body, and never…
Holy crap that entire line is nuts but a sterling silver paperclip for $165 is even worse. A tin can is hard to lose but who is gonna keep track of an expensive paperclip?
I hope the maid fucking recycles it.