Can I get out of the grays if I say this is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen?
Can I get out of the grays if I say this is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen?
But what else are you going to put your $750 magic markers in???
For the WASP who feels like giving to charity is beneath them. This is the perfect gift for those ‘pull yourself up by your bootstraps/trickle-down economics is a good idea’ types. Paul Ryan is going to get so many of these.
This is what they catch their trickle in!
This may be worse than the time the clothing brand Supreme cast it’s name into a brick and sold it for $40, but now they resell online for close to a thousand.
And then we brushed the shit off and chalked it up to him just being a dirty old man.”
Wow... Just wow.
I don’t understand: why do mixed race people talk about being required “to make a choice” like they’re the only people who face that. Everyone has to make a choice about what they will and won’t do to be down with a group. It’s called peer pressure. Everyone faces peer pressure. There seems to be a fantasy that Black…
I stopped reading the article when he professed that his father had a little bit of native and French in him (as if that’s not the narrative for 98% of black americans) because that lets me know what type of black person raised him, and that he wasn’t about himself at all. When I hear of these certain types of black…
Donna B has now walked back on her Clinton statements now that she got reamed over publishing “alternative facts”.... care to comment?
That’s exactly his point. He could have grown up someplace where one-drop was all it took, but he didn’t. So he was never pushed into a black identity by racists. It doesn’t mean he’s denying his black heritage.
Now that I’ve read the article: Shoulda gone to that BSU, bro. They woulda helped you sort through a whole bunch of shit. Blackness is an identity that society puts on you. You better figure it out quick. Read some James Baldwin and Invisible Man before the end of November.
Y’all can’t get mad at this man for telling HIS story. For once I read something on The Root that was just straight-up informative; and did not invoke feelings of anger or sadness in me...or more disdain for racists- (mostly white) racist people. It was refreshing to read about someone else’s life without passing…
This poorly conceived “article” is truly pathetic and embarrassing. First of all, there is only one race, the human race. Being of mixed ethnicity is not a big deal and is quite common. How many people in the world are half Chinese and Korean, half German and Italian, half Indian and Pakistani, half Senegalese and…
We don’t know this dude, we don’t fuck with him, we don’t care about his IDENTITY CRISIS. What he doesn’t get to do impose himself on a black site, on black people who are PROUD of being black and don’t need to be weighed down by individuals like him too weak to stay the course, too weak to fight the war but who will…
That makes sense to me. However, I am curious about the dynamics of a bunch of single parent university students with mixed kids. So there were a bunch of students in romantic/sexual relationships with people of other backgrounds, but few chose to marry?
“The Mormon Church had only started welcoming black members in 1978, just four years prior to our arrival.”
This has to be one of the most disappointing articles I’ve read on here. This was like letting a “not all white people” person write an article. While I am sensitive to your struggle with identity (my brother is biracial) I find your conclusions to be a bit troubling for a full grown decently educated adult. Barack…
I am slow today. Damn, my sore arm. Thanks for beating me to it. And thanks to M.J. That shit was funny.