I think the toughest part will be finding impartial judges like you first mentioned. Your best bet is to find someone in their low 30s. Young enough to have missed a portion of Bone Thugs but old enough not to be enamored by Migos.
I think the toughest part will be finding impartial judges like you first mentioned. Your best bet is to find someone in their low 30s. Young enough to have missed a portion of Bone Thugs but old enough not to be enamored by Migos.
To be fair, my original point was going to be that the Academy doesn’t appreciate comedy at all (they’ve vetoed the addition of a comedy category multiple times). I then realized that they’d appreciate a black actor/actress doing comedy even less, so I went with that thought.
I agree that if you’re not a previous fan of Thundercat then “Drunk” comes off as very repetitive. Listen to “Where the Giants Roam” for a condensed version. It has a better vibe for a Thundercat album, even though it’s a bit truncated.
In my group we have it set on a two week, every other day rotation. If you’re preparing a meal you bring enough for two days so the person/family isn’t inundated. Our group is big enough that people can call/offer to visit/run errands on the “non-food” days.
Oh yeah. I was only doing characters wirh major TV appearances and I already covered Young Justice so I consider it a package deal. You get Aqualad, Rocket and Icon.
Well done. Your list is comprehensive, something I didnt’ quite have the room for. So I drew a line. You either had to be in 3 movies or a TV show with at least 2 seasons. I was going for a binge list. Static just fell short on my list, I would have directly connected him with John Stewart from Justice League seeing…
Oh I agree, I’m a John Stewart guy all day. I loved Cyborg with the Titans. Now, I just hope that he gets some good interaction with a young Flash in the movie. I think them both being adolescents should play into the chemistry in the movie.
If I hadn’t heard Stan Lee say it, I wouldn’t have mentioned it. Plus, it’s not really my point in the first place. My point is that minorities often get the shaft in comic books (I just didn’t want to ignore all of the ok things that have happened to us).
My original version of this ended with “If you don’t like my picks, ask Bishop to go back to the past and change it so that I picked the heroes that you like.”
It’s nothing personal. I really wanted to include Static, from his own series. I also didn’t want to include multiple characters from the same series. Aqualad had the most screen time, plus I love watching him beat his dad in the “Summit” episode of season 2. Those are the breaks. Sorry, not sorry.
He would have made my list if his ethnicity didn’t flip flop so much from show to show. There’s a lot to be said about choosing to be a Black man in America.
I seriously considered Blade, but I would arbitrarily capped it at five entries and then I would have had to talk about my love hate relationship with Blade Trinity. For all the things I love about that third installment, none of them have anything to do with Blade...so I skipped it.
I hear what you’re saying, and in a lot of ways, I’m bringing up potential and you’re pointing out lack of development. Crews was called up way too early. Kingston, squashed...Woods, Swann and Alexander, probably pigeon-holed...Jordan is pushed too soon.
I think you misinterpret my intent. Rock IS black but for the most part he does not self-identify as such. So for some people he counts and some he doesn’t. Technically Yokozuna was a Samoan champ but he didn’t identify as such in the ring, so do you mark him as Samoan or Japanese. You either slightreal life or do…
I was really focused on your second point and didn’t address your first one. Universal vs WWE title. For me it really comes down to this: if the belts are ever unified (again), which title will history remember. Seeing as the WWE title directly ties all the way back to the beginning with Buddy Rogers, I’d be fine with…
I’m going to oversimplify the answer to your question because I asked myself the same questions you’ve posed while I was writing.
Alexander is a top pick,though I feel a lots of his matches that I saw were overshadowed by the drama of his Noam Dad fued. For clarity, I didn’t include anyone from NXT, only the main roster. My list also wasn’t intended to be exhaustive. I just wanted to offer a selection. It just really all depends on where certain…
For what it’s worth I only included main roster superstars because they are the only ones eligible to centend for the Universal/WWE Champion titles which is the premise toward the start of the piece.
I saw the “Nina” but not “Get Him To The Greek”. During one of the scenes I said to myself, “This must be what GHTTG was like.” No lie.
“F***ing clown shoes”...was that a “The Drop” movie reference? If it was you’d get all my stars for the day.