Dallas Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott is having a breakout rookie season, but all of that could come to a…
Dallas Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott is having a breakout rookie season, but all of that could come to a…
The narrative that black millennials aren’t enthusiastic about the 2016 election is false. We understand the power…
It’s Halloween, so put on your seat belts, brothers and sisters, and get ready for an onslaught of racist Halloween…
Our “Promised Land” has always had its issues, but black Chicagoans know that our part of the city is as real as it…
Just because Brian Tyree Henry plays Paper Boi, a budding rapper in the FX series Atlanta, doesn’t mean that he…
A Des Moines, Iowa, woman has been arrested for voting twice this month for Donald Trump in the general election, rep…
After Saturday’s football game in which a fan of the University of Wisconsin-Madison showed up in an Obama costume…
Rachel Dolezal is back and again capitalizing on her bizarre transracial antics or reverse-passing situation or…
The wife of a Millbury, Mass., police officer is accused of faking a robbery and vandalizing the couple’s own home…
“If Bill Clinton had been in the White House and had failed to address this problem, we probably would be marching…
Almost simultaneous with the militarized police raid in North Dakota on Thursday, Native American youths took over…
For the third time this month, pharmaceutical conglomerate Johnson & Johnson has been hit with a multimillion-dollar…
In more “Kendu be buggin” news …
An African-American North Carolina man was thrown out of a Donald Trump rally Wednesday night and called a “thug” by…
With the natural-hair movement in full swing, there have been many productive conversations about the political and…
We all have that one yearbook picture that makes us say, “Man, why didn’t anyone stop me from getting that?” We…
You have to be twice as good as them to get half of what they have!
America had such nice plans for the weekend. Most people were getting ready for some World Series baseball, looking…
In a shocking twist of events, the FBI announced Friday that it will continue to investigate Hillary Clinton's…
Danielle Young, aka Patti LaDanielle, aka The Root’s social-content producer, works effortlessly behind the scenes.…