Four guards at New York City's Rikers Island jail have been convicted in connection with the beating of an inmate…
Four guards at New York City's Rikers Island jail have been convicted in connection with the beating of an inmate…
Donald Trump wants to end it all now and be declared the winner. He doesn't care that he's trailing Hillary Clinton…
Turns out, the Philly fan who flipped off Russell Westbrook during a recent game is a North Philadelphia urologist…
I am trying to trace the roots of my paternal great-great-grandfather, Lucien Joshua. He relayed to the census taker…
On Wednesday, Los Angeles Lakers guard Nick Young helped his team defeat the Houston Rockets; then he left the game…
Eight-month-old Enita Salubi died after her nanny, Oluremi Oyindasola, 66, allegedly force-fed the baby until she…
Kevin Jackson, 17, was shot Sept. 1 after an argument with a 15-year-old foe on a Southeast street in Washington,…
A ticket allows you admission to a game. It doesn't mean that you get to flip off Oklahoma City Thunder star point…
Donald Trump unveiled his "new deal for Black America" Wednesday to a predominantly white Charlotte, N.C., crowd,…
For black professionals who do reality television, there often needs to be a middle ground in terms of entertainment…
My first job after college was teaching kindergarten. For a decade I worked as a kindergarten teacher and then as an…
In September, a coalition of 60 organizations that collectively make up the Movement for Black Lives issued a series…
A hairstylist, Maryam Simpson, 35, was arrested Monday, almost two weeks after authorities say she pepper-sprayed a…
John Emmett Harleaux, 28, of Baton Rouge, La., was arrested after allegedly lighting his wife on fire during an…
On Monday, students and employees tried to clean up the graffiti that was left on multiple walls, a door and a trash…
Vice President Joe Biden, like much of America, has had enough of Donald Trump. During a stump speech last week,…
It only took the New York Giants a year to fire kicker Josh Brown after learning that he abused his wife, but on…
Sounds like the robbers knew exactly what they were doing.
Gabrielle Gray is a little busy these days. The 26-year-old doctoral student in political science at Howard…
When Michelle Obama said, “When they go low, we go high,” she offered a succinct and strong defense of dignity. The…