Brava, Ms. Judge.
Brava, Ms. Judge.
I hear you. I see you. I am you, sis.
Brett Kavanaugh Hid in the White House For 9 Hours
The shooting happened six months ago and was captured on body camera video—some of which has already been released to the public. That the officers are still employed—as far as we know—could also be taken as a bad sign.
Hang on, are you telling me a police officer might be lying to cover up a crime they committed and the police department is going along with the perpetrators version of events even with direct contradictory evidence from impartial sources?
“My decision disallowing Nike from profiting from our taxpayers while they are using their powerful voice as a political tool is my message. This government will not let taxpayer dollars be used to promote a company’s or individual’s political position, platform or principle. That’s my position as a matter of fairness…
Amber Guyger told authorities that she issued verbal commands that Botham Jean “ignored” just prior to her shooting him to death in his own apartment.
So then what good is all this training we pay for to “de-escalate” when someone is armed? What good are all these weapons we pay for that they say are non lethal? If we are just going in in the darkest hour and claiming we see a Black gun so we kill..last time they did that, it was a cell phone.
“Items include ... improper division of work between (Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation funds) and (Children’s Health Insurance Program) eligible addresses, restoration addresses submitted with no service line work documented at those addresses, and invoices submitted with no address lists…
It’ll be 6 months on the 18th. Thank you for lifting his name, we’re still fighting for him & now Sac PD has murdered again.
Don't let the trolls bother you, Mo.
Monique, this may be the best thing you’ve ever written.
There’s two separate things:
Glad to hear momo... you’re awesome, and will find your person. All to often we internalize other people’s shit, and assume that we are always at fault, but sometimes it’s how things happen... and in my personal experience, the ones with the most shit are always the most convincing... so never blame yourself for trying…
Not exactly a CP time story, but still my favorite “how the fuck did I make this flight” story: several years ago I was flying from NYC to San Francisco to meet my fiancée’s family, departing out of JFK. I used to only fly Delta, so I usually flew in and out of LaGuardia and I definitely made a mental note that I was…
AAH! I highlighted the same part before I even got to the end and you STILL beat me to it!
I would argue that the only “black” part of his experience is the fact that he arrived at the airport at 6:00 a.m. for a 6:24 a.m. flight.