Jay Connor
Menace to supremacy. Senior Edior at The Root. Consultant and friendly neighborhood NDA signee elsewhere else. Impatiently waiting for y'all to stop putting sugar in grits.

In the immortal words of one Steven Q. Urkel: “He’s fallen and he can’t get up.”

Really though. Old Heads give two fucks about hurt feelings. You'll be perfectly fine after you cry it off.

I'm here for the Paul Pierce slander. 

He's about to have a long ass day. 

I called this man about fifteen different names and I’m being too nice? I really gotta work on being a bigger asshole. 


Drummond absolutely has his warts (I sure as fuck wouldn’t want that nigga on my team), but we’re still talking about a dude who’s putting up 18 and 12 in his sleep. Hence the “statistically one of the best at his position” comment. But your assessment sure as hell isn’t wrong. I probably should’ve just worded mine

Bonus points for the Ms. Elizabeth reference. 

So you’re not going to at least read the article?

I'm gonna be so pissed if we chase after Stafford. Fuck. 

With that pieces? Kelly Oubre and Andrew Wiggins ain’t getting shit done but a hearty laugh on the other end of the phone. #FreeBeal

Y’all look like a legit Super Bowl team. Hopefully y’all don’t don’t disappoint.

I forgot to add Mike Evans’ 7 straight seasons of 1,000+ receiving yards. Dammit!

That’s irrefutable fact.

What about a spork? Asking for a friend.

We’re saying the exact same thing, albeit differently. Which is why I also said his refusal to adjust his own game to deliver a more effective form of team basketball is just as much a part of the problem. I sure as hell wouldn’t want to play with that nigga (or Kyrie Irving) Harden seems hell bent on doing the exact

Agreed. That was as surprising as it was off-putting. 

I will never forget watching Westbrook’s OKC teammates stand around ignoring rebounds so that Brodie could pad his stats. That shit was so incredibly lame. 

Lawrence gotta force a trade because motherfuck going to that dumpster fire. Come to Denver!

Well, damn.