The REAL issue is dude’s son chose a sista and not her.....
The REAL issue is dude’s son chose a sista and not her.....
If you dont take this mfkn star....
If that’s the case, I hope she keeps the gag going. Everytime he wins a game, the camera cuts to her picking up her shit and storming off. I hope, years from now, he makes it to the NFL and she storms off during the Superbowl.
there’s male pattern baldness, and there’s concentrated evil that results in hair loss
Nope. Stop harvesting the past.
Yeah. They get pretty cocky with their indiscretions...
Precisely. How is she surprised that the short of the stick finds her so frequently? She keeps this negative feedback loop going. The mere thought of a charm offensive must escape her. If even North Korea can play nice for the Winter Olympics, Mo’Nique can at least try and not gaslight her career further in the first…
The people who kept Harvey’s mustache frozen snot free all night had the first struggle job of 2018
Congrats on finding such a great partner, she sounds awesome.
Look the person dead in the face and tell them you only eat human ass, the way the lord intended. Of course this could back fire but hey, everyone likes a good story.
My cast-iron skillet. It is not electric. It has no smart features. It has no space age materials.
I nominate those slotted spatulas used to clean the cat box. They take away the dirty shiz and leave behind the fresh and clean litter. Trump seems capable only of the opposite.
Maybe. If that gets her anything in the end, which doesn’t seem likely. They’ll fight this if only to avoid retaliation via losing some contracts. My personal policy is to never admit to anything. They could come at me with video and DNA and I wouldn’t admit to even knowing how to ride a bike much less owning one and…
Dhiraj Naseen! I was hoping we’d see some of your bylines over here!
This is one of the best things I’ve ever read. Right up there with Jalopnik’s FancyKristen. Bravo!