Dhiraj Naseen
Dhiraj Naseen (The Hostile Negress) is a renowned ratchetologist and advocate of foolishment. A blackbelt spinster, she holds advanced degrees in crochet, cats, crystals and being socially awkward.

Ha - this reaction tells me that you DO see it and now you can’t unsee it lmao

Yeah but there’s also not an auction block and people directly purchasing other people. It puts me in the mind of one of those mail bride “services” ...

But you see it too don’t you!? I’m not crazy! I’m not craaaaaazzzzzzy!!!

I think she looks kinda funny ... like her eyes are too far apart. I hate my petty.

Hmmm. Not quite slavery, but definitely has an indentured servant feel about it. Maybe slavery??

Never, never, NEVER too much icing. Never. There’s just no such thing.

#inwakanda No one has to fight over the last piece of white meat.

Actually, I will NOT withhold my commentary on the appearance of that project. Why did he tape the blue paper in the middle? Why is everything crooked? Why we can’t cut the squares as, I dunno, squares - not trapezoids and what not...

Haaaaaaa - I like how he made the distinction between southeast and northern Asians AKA “them ones over there, not us over here”

Alas, I’ve written about three pieces that have been deemed too risque. I was gonna stop trying, but you have motivated me to try again lol

But why she mad tho? If he slept with him he slept with him. If he didn’t he didn’t.

Bless yours if you think I’m about to do this ‘net arguing with stranger heaux. Ase and sashay away!

Maam, black folk have been referring to other black men, women and children as actin’ a monkey since the beginning of time. As a matter of fact, if you’re moms or anty didn’t tell you to stop actin’ a monkey at some point in your childhood, you might need a DNA test to affirm blackness. So that’s how I thought that

Not sure how this got so serious. Seemed pretty cut and dry to me: You acted a monkey on tv. You will get a prettily wrapped side eye for every holiday until 2032

I thought you were going all intellectual - then you went all “I live for messy pettiness though.”

I’m glad I’m not the only one who was afraid of this. It looked like what I imagine a corpse’s hair looks like after a year or seven. 

Wasn’t it amazing? I mean, downright artistic in its accuracy. He DOES look like he dies every morning. How did she know?!?!

He Lil Mama’d the Superbowl. And was sincere af. Bless him.

Minty Mary Magdalene - she dragged the fuck out of him.

Yup. And she has falsies on the top AND the bottom lids. Who does that?