Where did this gif come from?????????
Where did this gif come from?????????
That has to qualify as some form of rape lmao
Exaaaaaaactly. I ain’t the daddy. At all.
gave her bosses at Akima LLC a heads-up<<< That’s where you failed.
I’m really surprised that everyone is taking this at face value. ‘Cause iown believe it at all.
...crazy drunk and armed with a shotgun,<<<< Exactly how I want to be remembered :)
This silly racist hoe has ruined her life. Degree is dunzo. Where she gonna work now? She has to move to China and change her name. Oh wait, Chinese people.
I saw a picture of my father without a beard. He had just a mustache. Looked shifty af - like he’d steal your purse.
Also wondering: Does anyone else have an entire trust-a-nicca facial hair hierarchy (in which full beard is full trust and mustache is purse clutch)? Hands? Just me??
They hide a lot of shit under there. My dad, bless his heart, I aini’t seen him without a beard in my 37 years. I mean a full Rick Ross.
Beards are like hairy burqas for men: They cover all the bullshit parts of the face and just highlight the best parts. I wore a beard for Hween once (I was chong) and I was amazed at how gotdamn good I looked. I mean, I had forgot how fine I am.
Issa stunt fa sho. She’s clever. But that belt gonna be mo clever.
I think I just like the idea of getting on a plane and finding myself so horny that it goes down in the seat. My vajay is so inconsistent these days. Sleep then wake. Sleep then wake.
So now, is being petty a job or a hobby for you? Doesn’t matter - I’ll get you those candy corn scrambled eggs either way. You want me to overnight that or nawl? LMAO
My girlfriends mom does this. I find it hilarious
Ah. The Force is strong with your mother. There is but one more test: Has she ever “signed” a text message? I.e. “I love you - Mom” - as though you don’t already know who the text is from?
Bay. Bay. I’m anti spank. But lort jaysus the spanking she is gonna get will be EPIC.
Shit. Try having that talk with your grandmother. And I mean YOU talking to HER about what SHE needs to do with herself...