Dhiraj Naseen
Dhiraj Naseen (The Hostile Negress) is a renowned ratchetologist and advocate of foolishment. A blackbelt spinster, she holds advanced degrees in crochet, cats, crystals and being socially awkward.

I’m sorry, did you just admit to eating vanilla caramels?????? The brown ones with the white in the middle? The official candy of old lady bingo players and people born without taste buds?

I hate black gums. I hate the back of Whoopi Goldberg’s neck. I hate my elbows. And I hate black jellybeans! LMAO

Actually this is something I’ve considered. I have a deep aversion to coffee, cooked spinach, dark chocolate, celery, asparagus, all forms of alcohol - all for the same reason: Bitter. At the same time, the first time I heard someone say something was too sweet, I was like “huhhhhhh?” I have never experienced anything

Candy corn makes life better. All I need is candy corn and a red Honda Accord and I’mma BE alright!

You know what, I don’t even like candy.<<< Clearly lol

My dutch friend thought licorice was THE BUSINESS ok? Them folks are off man.

Cream of Wheat, oatmeal - it’s all like going to church: You don’t really have to do it anymore once you’re grown.

DUTCH. Gotdamnit. That’s where that awful salt ball came from! What is wrong with those people???

So you LIKE when your nose wrinkles up? Girl I guess - I’mma have my grandmama pray for ya tho lolol

See we we’re good until you came for Smarties lol of course I also like cherry gas x. I eat it up so fast I just stopped buying it.

Little known fact: Emancipation Proclamation also mentions that we no longer are restricted to nasty candy.

Oh I know of this evil. I left them out because I thought I had made them up. But clearly it wasn’t a dream :(

They add salt to licorice?????? It’s like arsenic on cyanide!??

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say it’s that powerful diamond shellac they sell at the Taliah Wajida events. It’s like, industrial strength. Means nothing to my hair, but people swear by it. May or may not be industrial axle grease.

I too got into the laidness of the edges. I’m glad I’m not alone in my petty!

I recall her having to get registered in person and it taking all day. That was another one of the more confusing things to me. I was like “Bae, yall got the internet tho!” lmao

I am completely unfamiliar with this! My hustle was giving my parents the new book cost estimate then buying the used books and pocketing the difference.

Fear the turtle!!!!!

He said bama. Like four times. Haaaaaaa! I said jawn just last night. With gusto lol

Well I like that reason for creating Latino. I get so annoyed when people called someone “Spanish.” Are they from Spain? Because if not, there is not a generic Spanish. It’s like a grown person calling every Asian “Chinese”. Some things are just so childish to me.