I’ll take Questions In Need of Answers for $2,500 Alex
I’ll take Questions In Need of Answers for $2,500 Alex
Well since I’ll NEVER miss an opportunity to discuss HVIII, don’t you f ind it AMAZEBALLS that all the shit he did to preserve the Tudor legacy ultimately killed it? I mean, he effed Elizabeth up bayad. So hilarious to me.
“That don’t make no sense,” I said to my mother later on. <<< My version of this was, in xtian school mind you, asking “If yall are teaching us the Egyptians are wrong, what are they teaching Egyptian kids?” Poorly received.
I’m pro-fluffy hair, though I finally traded my ‘fro for locks because tangles are real.
I already knew that. And I wouldn’t be surprised if you typed this whilst sitting in the “Innovation Bubble” at NABJ. I’m not judgin’ schmoney!!!!
“...beauty comes in all shapes and sizes, and shame on him for trying to embarrass her because of her size. Her incident, by the way, was a couple of years ago, and she was slimmer than she is now. She’s had a baby in the interim,” Bloom continued.”
Ok I know what I won’t miss, and that’s the countless hours spent trying to understand Trump’s face/general appearance. Every article just launches me back into deep analysis.
So here’s what I think this debate really comes down to. Cisfolks are all “flag on the field - you need to let a brotha know”
Sweet white jesus why did I press play.
Eh. I guess what’s bugging me here is that at the end of the day, you take a risk sleeping with someone and a lot more people have been exposed to (and may have contracted) HSV or HPV or many things than realize it.
Ok boo. Thanks for that.
Random fetish tale:
Unless these women tested seronegative prior to the encounter - which they almost certainly didn’t because most people’s idea of an STI screening does not involve a blood draw - they can never conclusively prove they were HSV-free prior to sleeping with Usher.
You were PRESSED to get Stoney Jackson into the mix! LMAO It always comes back to Stoney Jackson!
Actually, Amen was hilarous due to Sherman Helmsley and the inherent threat of him dancing at any moment. 227, however, has not maintained my committment as it once did :(
“1. This is why Mr. Walker is aging this way. The ancestors have revoked his melanin privileges.”
Biiiiih. Also noted.
I have no comment on the Trump thing in keeping with my commitment to ignoring any news about That Man until said news involves instructions of where to send condolences or money to put on his books.
I just said it tastes like wet kleenex. And I don’t know you. We both said that separately. SO IT’S TRUE!!!!
It’s always pliable because it’s really just red dryer lint.