Dhiraj Naseen
Dhiraj Naseen (The Hostile Negress) is a renowned ratchetologist and advocate of foolishment. A blackbelt spinster, she holds advanced degrees in crochet, cats, crystals and being socially awkward.

“Because it is delicious as fuck.”

That something he said back could easily have been “I’m calling the police.”

Look, those facial tattoos already told the tale that something was wayyyyy off.

And to them I would say fuck off. I AM a woman. And I wouldn’t spit in anybody’s face without expecting consequences and repurcussions.

I’ve had my ass handed to me in the comments (fortunately, I gave my last fuck away years ago) for saying the same exact thing - that you don’t threaten to whoop someone’s ass, renege on it, then be upset about the ass whoopin’ you get in return.

What exactly is the proper way of handling this from your stance? Now I’m really curious.

He’s full of shit because he made a threat and didn’t follow through. You write a check your ass can’t cash, and shit escalates. That’s basic.  

“She ended up spitting in my face,” he said. “I was like, ‘You lucky I don’t hit females, little girl, because I would beat your ass for that. And that’s when everything went from zero to 100.”<<< He had me kinda on his team right until here. ‘Cause you were wolf ticketin’ man - spit in the face is a beat ass on

His body, if it can be called that, is a dump.

Take that back. Coconut is glorious. You take that back right now!

I had this artfully bothered/unbothered reply all typed up. Then I deleted because, bih are you seriously about to start breathing all hard about internet muhfuckas like it’s 1992 and shit.

I don’t understand what beets did to everybody. I haven’t eaten them in years because, who the eff cooks those, but I used to enjoy them as a kid.

Honestly, now that I think of it, I avoid most melons pretty dutifully. Honeydew, meh. Cantaloupe is alright if I’m like, in a prison camp.

I think what we are ignoring here is the lie. You cannot lie to people and then get confused about their reaction. Some people are cool with a lie. Some people are unbalanced and respond way poorly. But in the end, when someone lies, they are opening themselves to all kinds of bad potential outcomes. We can’t excuse

I’m not clear on where I keep failing with brussel sprouts. I’ve tried again and again. They look so perfectly charred and barbecued. Then I eat them and instantly Jeffrey Osbourne is in my head singing “where did we go wrooooooong...”

Baked chicken is superior! *scurries away*

After extensive testing it has been unequivocally proven I am in fact a black lady, despite the reverse racial food shaming (“WTF is cumin and why do you have that, but not seasoning salt?”) I’ve endured for years.

Not sure I think she needs the federal charge since it seems like there is a mental issue. But I do think at this point when a victim’s statement includes “three black guys” or “by some black guys” or “...and then this big black guy...” and said “victim” is a white woman, this should automatically be a red flag for

Sweet minty white jaysus, that Don Lemon interview was a train wreck. And who aunties were those talm bout they ‘murican?