Your cat has a little bit of a fetish I see...
Your cat has a little bit of a fetish I see...
We give the country to a black man when it's in the shitter.
For me it's the bladder. Trust me, NOT FUN.
And yet Kevin Bacon is allowed to sport that male camel toe - the elusive "mamel toe" - that he's rockin' in those extra high rise Mom Jeans?
Your cat needs a lap band lololol
There's really no reason for you to upload pictures, as any picture of your cat you could submit would immediately be shat upon by the glory of my cat, Earl The Gray.
So cats DO try to kill you. I was wondering why my cat kept stomping on my bladder.
I will never understand it: I've mailed this man at least 2,400 "Hoe sit down!" notices and none of them ever seems to arrive...
I recall way back when I was a kid in 1988, my family flew to California for a biz trip my dad was taking.
She DOES know that this is all available at any self respecting stripper store in the Village, right?
Yeah, but didn't the slaves at least get meals?
Sorry but Black Friday didn't get my gills fluttering. But "Last name Ann first name RRRRRAAAAAAGGGGGGEDDDDDDDY" killed me about 15 times.
You wanna talk about sucky porn options try being a Sapphistry professional who likes her beds soft and her women hard. All my options are Tiffany effin Crystal (Now with extras of the girls doing each other's nails!)
@LilKim for the last time: HAVE A FUCKING SEAT.
I was thinking more of an "improvised explosive" way, which I somehow imagine you won't like.
I needn't see the child's face - the Schwarz circa 1982 beefcake hairline tells me everything.
Ah LaComtesse. My favorite evil preggo poster.
TOUCHE @doit2julia lol
I'm not really troubled by the incest/inbreeding: I have no interest in dating my dad (ew ew ew ew times infinity and squared by OMFG YUCK) but I do think that we tend to forget that such social restrictions are the produce of convention as well as, frankly, the age in which we live.
I've been judging people for years and never though to try judgey pants. The elastic waist band is so nice.