Dhiraj Naseen
Dhiraj Naseen (The Hostile Negress) is a renowned ratchetologist and advocate of foolishment. A blackbelt spinster, she holds advanced degrees in crochet, cats, crystals and being socially awkward.

"I've been doing a lot of couponing lately"

Baby powder in the thighs. You may have to keep adding it every few hours, but I've found it helps your thighs swish past each other.

I don't do shapewear - I weigh 112 lbs - but I've always thought wearing this bullshit is not only false advertising but completely does. not. work.

Yeah, but where are we with the Godzilla risk factor? Because I recall a certain radiation being involved with that...

"I was always fairly positive that Vince was hiding some incredibly dark shit"

You dressing snobs disgust me!

I've already suggested we get rid of Republicans eariler today (top plans included taking them to a mall and leaving them there, or putting them in a portable storage unit indefinitely) - and I'm wondering if Mississippi might not need similar action.

Well, and I really do appreciate your polite and thoughtful comment (no snark, seriously) the fact is, I don't WANT to know more about pregnancy. I don't NEED to be more informed. I got the whole thing down and, after close consideration, I find it repulsive. It's completely visceral. You trying to talk me out of it

His face. My eyes. I can't.

I'm far from plus sized so I can only offer an opinion from outside the fishbowl: I've often wondered how stores/magazines/etc can purport to celebrate plus sized women, then show all their clothes/products/etc. being used by women who are the veeeeery smallest "plus size" they can find. It really undermines their

Corgi only won because the judge panel was stacked with his favorite house sisters.

"Some may never grow up to like pregnant bodies, but they learn to shut up about it."

I'm beyond intrigued by the variety of replies here. This has turned into a fabulous stoning indeed!

So Dancing Frog - I noticed you mentioned "women have enough pressure in this world" - do you mean like the pressure to pretend that a physical process that's at turns ugly, scary, gross is the best shit ever?

I got news for you and everybody who replied to this: Patrick Stewart does NOT want your ladybits. Its preeeeetty obvious.

Alright, I'm busting out of the closet: I find pregnant bodies totally frightening and they've been freaking me out since I was 11 or so. THERE. I said it! I know I can't be the only woman with this feeling. Am I? *let the stoning begin*

I'm with you. Gone are the days when a kid could safely get their ass kicked in private - and deny it ever went down like that years later!

Which we will both watch so shut your stinkin' face. I keed - only about the stinkin' face part :)

Come on kitty lovers - don't let that crazy looking, big eared barking rat win!