Panama Jackson
Panama Jackson is the Senior Editor of Very Smart Brothas. He's pretty fly for a light guy. You can find him at your mama's mama's house drinking all her brown liquors.

This store is definitely not part of that Lotte Corporation.

“love” is trash now and was trash then. 

its a song that really offers itself to various forms of foolywang.

it always sounded this terrible. i promise you.

a simple solution. but its still a lot. for instance. i walked out of my workspace today and i forgot to turn the bluetooth off on my comp. it wouldnt pair with my phone until i physically got out my comp and disconnected (or turned it off). that’s a flaw lol

And like I said, a friend of mine had an entirely different takeaway. She thought it was all brilliantly staged and the music worked with it well. So, this is just my take. 

I don’t actually. I think if anything, there just needed to be more art. Or more structure in the way to have them work in tandem. I would have liked to know how the pieces were inspired by the music, but that would require you to have more time to spend with the music, too. 

I laughed out loud at this.

this is literally a mos def show. lol

i have no idea. i hope to find out.

And that’s fine. Bey has every right to do exactly what he wants. I also have a right to look at it and see something different. And let’s be real about Sun - Ra (your example), he’s a pretty esoteric artist as is AND Space is a place is available for the masses to hear. If that album, or even that movie, was given

you left b/c you didn’t feel like you were going to get an actual quality education? what was your major if you don’t mind my asking? and where did you leave morehouse to go?

Hey man, no, no VSB. facts are facts.

i fact, i have a podcast in the works that will be dropping this month. parts interview but i will talk a lot about music.

disagree entirely, but that was a song reference from Jay’s song “Where I’m from”

That’s a very valid point. I’ve had to check myself in the midst of all of the SpelHouse love during homecoming while wondering why so many folks I know don’t come back. My boy and I were talking and I was like...ya know, maybe everybody didn’t love it like we did. I had to sit with that while I was part of the panels

this is all very good information!

thanks for that other side perspective!

It’s way less...edgy than I expected it to be.

fam. please tell me they didnt put an unwrapped 55 inch tv box at your door.