see, that’s how stuff goes missing right there.
see, that’s how stuff goes missing right there.
my work site is my located at my address in my dubious neighborhood.
Dustin’s list obviously, but the better part of an entire day was spent debating this very point.
Not for nothing, but “If I Ruled the World” is absolutely NOT on Illmatic, but is on It Was Written. I’m assuming you mean, “The World Is Yours.”
that’s interesting. if you live in many northeast cities (like i do), that’s almost impossible. my front door is, maybe, 15 feet tops from the street i live on.
That has happened a few times. I definitely look to see what’s neighbor reported versus news reported. There has been at least twice that there were fireworks where some paranoid neighbor identified them as gunshots. and the other commenters got them together. But i have seen actual crimes too. it aint all paranoid…
Yes. to say that you don’t have as much crime as the 80s in DC is non-sense in 2019. sure i’m glad Wayne Perry isn’t running the streets murkin’ folks on playgrounds any longer. But its a different time. this comparison is like me complaining about going to work and then being told to pipe down b/c my ancestors were…
everything is relative...
No lie, we’re supposed to travel in October and November, I’m definitely looking at all of my flight options.
Imagine how I feel lol
I can’t even blame you for wanting me to stop traveling. I feel the same way. LOL. I believe sharing is caring. lol
I don’t even blame you. LOL. I’ll make sure to post my flight plans from here on out. It’s the only right thing to do.
I flew out of DCA. And yes, the weather was beautiful. They alleged that the weather on Wednesday and maybe the weather in Atlanta backed up everything. Allegedly.
he’s on my other list.
so Gift of Gab was the one you listed that i ended up moving to like 52 last minute.
panama is 40.
lauryn’s verse on “zealots” is in my top 5 favorite verses. she’s legit and belongs high up.
the top 5 wasnt that hard. the top 10 actually wasn’t either. that order could also change with more thought.
lol. i could too. i expected significant pushback on some of this. but thats kind of the point right. what i will say is this, it was much easier for me to do my top 10 than it was 11-50. i tried to come up with everybody as quickly as possible so it was instinct than rated. and lauryn was a monster on the mic and the…
that’s a relic lol. somehow in the copy and paste. being fixed as we speak.