Michael Harriot
World-renowned wypipologist. Getter and doer of "it." Never reneged, never will. Last real negus alive.

You are correct. Their newer machines are not connected to the internet. That machine was from a decade ago.

Coincidentally, the guy who recorded that video is actually my friend and chapter brother who actually lives in Bham!

I corrected that point.  When writing the article I admittedly interpolated the parties in my head

I have. After extensive research and calculations, I figured the exact sum is:

I’m sure there was white personnel on the bus complaining about Rosa “wasting time.”

Here is where that narrative disintegrates:

Could you point me to the part of the article that does that?

That’s not what this article says, either. The Supreme Court ruled that Masterpiece did not get a fair trial because

I thought you already owned all the “-aise” words, but ok.

I have a problem calling out my own.

Promo code not working for the Shure mic

Promo code not working for the Shure mic

It’s a photo from a wedding I was in.

What’s funnier is that—until the story was done and being edited—I didn’t even recognize the metaphor until it was pointed out to me.

It looks boring. Kids have them on DVD, VHS and streaming services. My best friend growing up had every action figure. I have bought every Lego Star Wars set, but superhero movies and science fiction are not my thing.

I agree with you. I’m going to speak to our copyeditors about inserting “all” in the sentence. I can’t see it, but that’s probably a glitch in my computer.