Michael Harriot
World-renowned wypipologist. Getter and doer of "it." Never reneged, never will. Last real negus alive.

You misspelled “You were right”

Donald Trump is from New York.

Wait...did you even read it first?

I kinda had to Google Tina Campbell.

Also, Why is it easier to clean a crude oil spill from an Exxon tanker than the residue left in the Kool Aid pitcher after a batch of Orange is finished?

Allow me to outn*gga everyone here:

This wasn’t bout who was the better candidate or whose followers were worse.

I watched the watchmen. It was aight.

I got a chance to listen to listen to West’s interview with The Root that will come out and a few days. I think it is within bounds for West to challenge Coates’ writings and philosophy in the name of intellectual discussion. I don’t have a problem with that’s. While I like Coates, I don’t think his writings are

It’s over. Black people did it. Doug Jones is the next senator from the state of Alabama. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that your vote doesn’t count. We beat the pedophile cowboy, Steve Bannon and that orange motherfucker chugging Diet Coke in the White House!

It looks dire for Moore ... Except it’s not.

As of right now, the county reporting the most votes (50%) is Limestone County, Ala. with Roy Moore leading Doug