Michael Harriot
World-renowned wypipologist. Getter and doer of "it." Never reneged, never will. Last real negus alive.

My friends calls this the “most of my friends are white” haircut

I’m eating squash as I read this

The current contracts don’t expire until 2022 at the earliest

Actually you can say “nigger” anytime you want...

My favorite black word of all time is “swole.” I swear I was an adult before I realized only we used it.

It is not a predictor of success in college. It is only predictor if first year success

Let’s not forget about Maine Governor Paul Lepage’s binder full of drug dealers, two of whom were named “Shifty” and “D Money,” who came to Maine to sell heroin and impregnate white girls

Should’ve tried Tinder. He would’ve only been out $48

I was home-schooled until I was 12.

I read this post with my mouth agape. Woooooow!

White greed. That’s enough.

People who want to weasel out shitty ideas always paint criticism as outrage. No one is outraged over HBO’s shitty idea. I’m not even upset in the least bit. I might even watch out of morbid curiosity. But don’t try to sell it as revolutionary or the spark that will prompt a discussion that no one ever thought about.