K. Araújo
Shit talking mami, bruja and problematic negra who writes. Búscame en NegraWithTumbao.com and in these innanet streets.

😂😂😂😂 #facts 

My condolences, Sis

How did we forget Dashiki Abdullah or whatever her new name is?

And here is where I died! 😂😂😂😂

I determine who’s trash for me.. THAT NIGGA WAS TRASH. Now, if you can look at at this  girl who he beat so brutally until she is now blind in one eye, then tried to sabotage her gofund me and donated a quarter for her surgery while also attempting to drown her and insert cutlery meant for grilling in her vagina..

Seeing this again...Omfg.. this is somebody’s baby.

AMEN!! fucking Amen

I’m really sick of the narrative that we can’t throw people away. He was trash... and his music sung about pain...WE ALL HAVE PAIN....We don’t go around terrorizing folks. If we could scrub this earth of all the trash that would be fine by me.

What is this? lol

I grew up with Fela in household... maaaaan listen!


Yaaaaaaaaas to the high-rise shade!!

You’re a liar. PERIOD

Uuum.. that’s “justifiably”.

Yeah... Lightskindeded should have caught him outside. lol

But that wasn’t the point I was arguing. I’m multilingual btw.

Drake can’t come back with a rap attack.

Cutting babies from black women’s wombs was fairly common. They would beat them to death if they were still alive or shoot them to death.