K. Araújo
Shit talking mami, bruja and problematic negra who writes. Búscame en NegraWithTumbao.com and in these innanet streets.

This is the part of history we don’t share with our children. My daughter came home from school in the 5th grade and told me that white people weren’t always bad and that I should soften my heart... She gave me the colorblind line. Racism was a thing of the past.

Unspeakable joy.

I commend you...but.. and there is a but.. Damn, can mfers not go there? At what point, do you stop eating shit? UGH

I was waiting for them to shoot her. I was fearful for my life. They weren’t? She kicked and hit and still came out unscathed. Ok.

She is legit .... with the shits..

My first adult movie was “Porky’s” in 1982.. my Daddy didn’t give a damn.

I was 13..it was the summer and I literally saw it every day that summer... It is in my top 10 favorite movies.. I know the dialogue like I know my name.

And Donald Glover asked  for her number.

Maaaaan listen....

Nope..not his wife.

Bitch, i’m a grown ass woman. I’m not your  girl... and clearly you don’t know shit period..if you don’t know that.. fomf

Sis, I try not to deal with white folks especially white women as little as possible but I know that there are those of us who think the white man’s water is colder.. Good for them...At this point in my life, I am not giving any of my fucks to those types.

Puerto Ricans and Dominicans aren’t Spanish. 😑

I said what I said.


Thank you.. My nerves thank you.

I don’t know you but I love you!!!

Vigor.... passive aggressive beta males are annoying.... work on that.  You weren’t trying to gain any understanding..I, literally, said I didn’t give a damn about who niggas dated.

I’m not entertaining their dumb asses. I KNOW that white people know this.