K. Araújo
Shit talking mami, bruja and problematic negra who writes. Búscame en NegraWithTumbao.com and in these innanet streets.

“I’m not mad at Whitlatch, I’m mad at the system that allowed a monster like Whitlatch to thrive within it, even after she more than proved that she should have never been allowed in. “

But you can be mad at both.. the system AND the individual.. to imply that we shouldn’t be is a disservice.

We should, ABSOLUTELY, be mad at this bitch.

“President Douchey Von ShitBag” TOD 10:30 a.m.

You are on a roll, brother!!

lmao @ Salma Hayek...I am cracking up!

God.. I mean other than kill us, arrest us with no probable cause, violate any and every civil right afforded us by the GOD DAMN Constitution, what THE FUCK WILL IT TAKE FOR WHITE FOLKS TO BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR SUPREMACIST BEHAVIOR?

Treating her like the seconf coming of Christ is NOT gonna make this song any better..lol

Trash is trash from any age... and this is trash in this age... it’s ok.. every song that’s a hit ain’t dope. Folks acting like somebody took her lunch money.. It’s a song.. not a good one and I still fux with her..

Nic, do not come telling the truth on the good Lord’s Thursday!! Black women are ALWAYS THROWN UNDER THE BUS!


This....I mean he wasn’t saving puppies or babies in a fire. He was deceiving his wife to go meet with his slide not knowing the bitch was a basketcase.



Maaaaaan, this video gave me joy!!

Something “different” though?

This negro.... Naw. I think you can NOT like this song and still want her to win.. I like her..A LOT.. this song...not so much.

It’s all good, Sis... I just think when people call one person a piece of shit and not address the misdealings of other POS’s ...it just seems a little one sided..

Both did wack shit to black folks...I mean... As a wife who has been on the shitty side of infidelity.. I have a dog in this fight. I guess. I’m just not letting either one off the hook.. And it was his private business un til it became public...