K. Araújo
Shit talking mami, bruja and problematic negra who writes. Búscame en NegraWithTumbao.com and in these innanet streets.

You didn’t see her “before” ass..lol

she’s actually 10... you know white cracks..lol

*sigh* Can somebody “cash this heaux outside” already?

Oh and his wife was black btw.. he had 2 mistresses who weren’t.. but we’re up in arms about a fat, black coon though... ok.

Ray Lewis......is the perfect example of.. Why do the give these niggas mics?

I was just about to ask about ABC!! lmao

Fatty fatty 2 by 4? lmao

Me too but do the question is... do you care? lol

That’s relative and a matter of opinion....Some folks may think being a cheating ass husband is no big deal but are mad for Jason Whitlock cooning... Others still, blindly, support R.Kelly because his “art doesn’t reflect his music” while others thin k he should die a slow death...The point is.. in these types of


I am so lost..lol

And if it had been written a month or even a year later...we would say the same thing...I am kinda “Meh” on this one... we have a tendency to make shitty people “martyrs” when they are taken away tragically.... I’m not playing Devil’s advocate... but maybe it was karma...It sounds callous. I know ....

You know you are doing something right when mfers block you!


Jason Whitlock is a piece of shit but let’s just say Steve McNair wasn’t a fucking angel.. 2 fucking girlfriends, cheating on his wife...He WAS a lousy fucking husband... But I digress... you can still talk about a tragedy without making mfers saints....

What in the white foolishness and niggatry is this shit? Jason Whitlock is that black dude who didn’t have black friends and some poor white schmuck befriended him and now he is trying to disgrace us every chance he gets...he really DOES just wanna fit in. :-/

A reference of what?

This gave me joy today.