K. Araújo
Shit talking mami, bruja and problematic negra who writes. Búscame en NegraWithTumbao.com and in these innanet streets.

Y’all are wilin’!! lmao

I, legit, just laughed like this!

No lies detected!


I thought it was just me that was distracted by THAT eye...

She looks like a Queen!! GAWD!

That’s cold-blooded..lol

That’s what I thought..lmao Boy, it’s obvious you don’t know wtf you’re talking about.... I don’t have to read books on what has been a practice in my family for centuries... Getcho shit right, nigga.

y el tontón todavía no sabe que Lucumí no es fokin witchcraft which is why you’re fucking WRONG AND CONTINUE TO BE WRONG..Words matter...And you’re fucking pressed because you clearly argued an incorrect point and then tried to throw in your heritage like it made YOU AN EXPERT... AND YOU GOT SONNED BY SOMEBODY WHO

Go get your people..lol

on purpose? lol

That is definitely VEGAN WHITE NONSENSE....How Sway?

O so your caribeño and still don’t know wtf you’re talking about... and not only that but apparently you’re one of THOSE Latinos who assume que porque soy negra, no soy hispana.. bueno payaso.... yo soy cubana de Camagüey..y mi ilé es situada en Matanzas y mis padrinos viven en Tampa...que más quiere saber, singao?

He’s yours too!! lmao

And you’re still using brujeria incorrectly...Now, I already understood that you didn’t know wtf you were talking about then and you still don’t.... I’m sure holding l’s is not new for you... I’ve already donated to charity... And talking to the help has taken up enough of my time....


I have 5 whoever knows.

Two chains.. is GAHBITCH.. lol

You’re still going? lol..