K. Araújo
Shit talking mami, bruja and problematic negra who writes. Búscame en NegraWithTumbao.com and in these innanet streets.


Could you please tell me where to found the lie?

Yoooo...I was all like... “

I mean...i just needed confirmation.

Tell him, fam. He doesn’t want to do better!

Sometimes they misquote MLK. Or Gandhi. Or Mother Teresa. Or Papa fucking Smurf.

And I still have 3 fingers left.

God bless you..lmao

Can I walk away after I bone? lmao

I loooooooooooooooove this gif!!

Laws do vary and even if I was in a State that put the financial burden on me... there is ALWAYS a loophole.

And I’m telling you that I didn’t and was married for 17 years...

“I know, I know. Easier said than done, but so is dieting, so is exercising, so is quitting smoking, so is rehab and so is walking away from good dick (or so I’ve heard—I’ve never walked away from good dick. Your dick was trash, Todd!).

Listen... let the wife tell you.... I AIN’T TAKING CARE OF NOBODY ELSE’S KIDS BUT MINE.

Wifey/ wife/ girlfriend/ slide/ hoe/ mama/grandma should NOT BE PAYING THAT NIGGA’S CHILD SUPPORT. I wish a bitch would....

She is the Beckiest Becky of them all!

Katy Perry is like cheap Moscato... You wanna like it but you know you deserve better! lol

I wanted Yeezy to win so bad! smh

I think I was the only person in America who felt warm and fuzzies... Like he rode hard as fuck for a sister on an international platform... Was it rude? Yep. Was it inappropriate? Yep.

The photo is what it is... I was like WTF are they front and center on a black event?