K. Araújo
Shit talking mami, bruja and problematic negra who writes. Búscame en NegraWithTumbao.com and in these innanet streets.

You’ve said it all.

Do we even need to ask what color the driver was?

It doesn’t, Cariad... Black is typically only with black American.

I got nothing.

I am but I’m serious!

DAMN... Nice return on the investment...lol

Yeah it’s a little of that.. I am just not a slapstick, goofy kind of person... So I just sit there like..

Me too!!

Bruuuuh... that look is a classic Black Daddy look.


This country not playing fair isn’t even worth mentioning.. that’s a given.. I’m just really over the mentality of telling folks they did a good job for doing the right thing as a human being. I’m probably never going to budge on that...

As much as I wanted to believe in AfroPunk, it has done what all grassroots festivals/ functions do... I was done when they chose to highlight white folks on their website.. How do you do that when your name starts with “AFRO”?

You are in New York, right? Email me.. I know good people there. I will vouch for them.

Really it boils down to what they think is funny is is just dumb... I like wit and sarcasm... Goofiness is wack... Living Single vs. Friends


Now playing

 and I get so tired of black folks trying to convince me otherwise...

You didn’t tell ONE lie.

So you’re talking about Michael Jordan but he married her..lol
