Erica Washington

The absolute saddest thing about this? If you read the other articles about this, it sounds less like a fight about a boy, and more liked unchecked jealousy that eventually led to violence. This was someone that clearly tried to help anybody she could, and did not believe in violence. Unfortunately someone that was

His face says it all, “This is a fake photo op, and I’m not even going to TRY to pretend that it isn’t.”

We are going through this with a rental property owned by our church. We have had to get rid of squatters multiple times since the last tenant moved out. We have been arguing as a group over what to do with the property for so long that the neighbors ended up calling in a violation on us. We know we need to do

The point of a bra is to hold ‘em up. This does not do that. At. All.

This was pretty much my take on it. At the rip old age of 44 (solidly Gen-X), I have no issue with occasional tokers (which my millennial son is), but I have no interest in it, especially as I am subject to random drug testing for work. Of course medical marijuana is legal here in Los Angeles, and I am sure

Starred, not because I am sick of beauty campaigns (marketers gotta market, as it were), but because you make an interesting point about people that are not traditionally attractive almost always getting the short end of the stick in life. In fact, I wrote an entire essay about it : http://www.houseofperpetualdistracti

As a person who considersent herself solidly anti-PDA, bring on the double fisted pizza lovers! She seems like a hoot to be around.

I am just under the amount for the area in which I live (Los Angeles, BTW), but it helps when they take into account current debt loads, and how many people you are supporting with that amount. Try supporting three people on that amount, and the world suddenly gets a LOT tighter, not to mention trying to pay off

Anyone that has spent any time in the South (she was in Arkansas for what, 10-15 years?), puts some form of hot sauce on everything that it makes sense to put hot sauce on, because otherwise it just doesn’t taste right. Tabasco will work in a hurry, my daughter is a fan of Red Rooster, I just recently discovered

You would be surprised. I take the express bus in the morning. It is WAY to early to have to deal with men drenched in cologne. Especially cheap cologne. Or the HS students heading to school that bathed in Axe.

Photoshop fail on the crossed leg and one of her arms as well. They look absolutely alien.

When I said “Not ALL are taught to control themselves”, I meant just that. It is something my mother called having “home training”. Some young men are taught manners, and that women are to be treated with respect; some aren’t taught a doggone thing, and this is what you see with teachers hitting on students, sexual

This is a conversation that I tend to have with my kids all the time (Both the adult and the tween). It generally surrounds coaxing them try a different vegetable, or something else healthy. I have also demonstrated this for them by forcing myself to eat peas and lima beans (they love them, I hate them) just to show

As clumsy as it was, I too, think this was her real point. You have the right to wear whatever you want, and you should be able to wear whatever you want. However people are stupid, shitty, and not all are taught to control themselves and behave like civilized human being, so be prepared for any reaction you get.

I noticed they kept that scene in for the remake, too. I never really thought about the erotic subtext of it, but upon re-watching it about a month or so ago, I realized there was quite a bit of erotic subtext between Matt Damon’s ostensibly grown man Texas Ranger character, and Hailee Steinfeld’s 14 year old girl

Whatever you do, do not read the comments in the article.If the measure of any society is how it treats the least among them, then we are truly headed to hell in a hand-basket. When we justify Police officers beating on children and call the children animals (or worse) we have a HUGE problem.

Alright, hands up: Who here learned a little basic programming in Jr. High School (circa 1985), on those old Apple IIc or Apple IIe’s? It was one of my fondest memories of 9th grade. And I was still one of the VERY few girls that took that class. But I refused to take Home Ec, so there was that.

“ Fetty Wap, Drake, and He Who Shall NOT Be Named.”

Happy 26th fellow Cali resident!