Erica Washington

This is civil service. Every thing takes forever. A friend of mine once asked me how I got my civil service job. I told her that you fill our an application, ,then you wait. Then you take a test, then you wait. Then you have your civil service interview, then you wait. Then you receive your score and ranking, then you

How much you wanna bet that she is only eating whole grain, organic pasta?

Now playing

If as soon as I saw that dress I immediately start thinking of videos from the 80's, we have a problem:

I can see where sex robots might help those that are painfully shy get past that first time sex experience, or those introverts that have a hard time talking to people so that physical relationships don’t become just one more thing that they are missing out on.

My daughter’s middle school is right across the street from an LA County Sheriff sub-station. Sometimes that comforts me; sometimes that worries me. They do not have the best reputation for their dealings with minorities.

There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for a grown man to slam a 12-year old girl face first int a brick walkway for ARGUING with another student. Who is the adult here? I have broken up many an argument between teenage girls using only my voice. Granted, I am somebody’s mother, and I look like somebody’s mother, so the girls

I am working on my sixth grader as we speak. She loves Math and Science. She tolerates History and Social Studies. But just TRY to get her to write an essay. Hell, try to get her to write a paragraph. The girl has more drama than Dynasty, and would get a A+ in stalling, if that were a thing.

Amy S: I agree completely. Of course, I would be calling in EVERYDAY!

This is, indeed, a groundbreaking cover. All different shades of Black, all larger women, and everyone of them stunningly beautiful. Some girl is going to see this issue and realize for the first time that she doesn’t have to hide behind her thinner friends (or lighter-skinned), or fade into the background. This is

We might have a winner on Kiyonna! I just looked at it with my daughter, and there were a couple of dresses we agreed might work on the special occasion dresses.

Hmmmm.... Very interesting... May just have to check you out.

$12.99 for a 96 page advertisement of clothes I will never be able to afford that won’t look right on my small boobs, large gut, big booty body?

I don’t cramp badly anymore, but I could have definitely used this when I was getting them. I say more power to them for coming up with a non-chemical remedy to an all too common pain.

I am a chocoholic, and that cake looks wonderful.

Superstar/Until You Come Back To Me by Luther Vandross has a permanent place on the top of my list.

Hooters Buffalo Shrimp make all movies a little better. Say whatever you want about the overall atmosphere; that is some damn good bar food right there.