I see you Dance Moms, and raise you Bring It: http://www.mylifetime.com/shows/bring-it
That’s what my sister was going through before she bought her little fixer-upper in the north-eastern corner of Inglewood (just over the LA-Inglewood border). And even that was a long haul.
Two things:
Just to be clear: no one should touch anyone without consent: male, female, or in transition. Discipline is definitely called for, and suspension and a mandatory diversion program seems age appropriate, and as the girl realized right away that what she did was both wrong and incredibly stupid, that should be the end…
Have you guys been seeing these ads on tv lately: http://www.webuyuglyhouses.com/
I’ve always disliked music marketed specifically to kids. It always struck me as being a bit condescending, as if, since they didn’t know what good music was, why should it matter what they listen to?
She loves her little niecey-boo! And if I understand it correctly, she is the Godmother as well. Can you imagine her birthdays and Christmases with R as her Godmother? EPIC!
I still love Reader’s Digest to this day!
Only James Baldwin could turn what should have been a dinky promotional essay in what was essentially a throw away magazine, into absolute poetry. I am also guilty of reading the TV Guide articles religiously when I was a kid, and desperately reading anything I could get my hands on.
OMG THIS! Public sector employment is no guarantee of making enough money to cover rent in increasingly expensive rental markets, unless you are willing to live 50-100 miles from your job. Which a lot of people do in Los Angeles. Which is sad. Most people don’t know that most civil servants live well outside the areas…
RLS: I was waiting for someone to make that joke ever since I heard about the accident.
That was my thinking. It sounded more like PCP than LSD. Unless that LSD was laced with something else. Tragic, but definitely not uncommon.
SD: That is SO meta....
I am totally inspired! I am 44, and never learned to swim. After my daughter gets her hair braided for the summer, I think I am going to invest in swimming lessons for both of us.
This is where I am. I am a single parent of two: A 23 year old son (struggling to get it together), and a 12 year old daughter. My son’s father is on his death bed, but up to last year had barely ever spoken to him. My daughter’s father is...problematic, psychologically, and has limited contact with her, but does pay…
I am DOOOMED! Doomed I tell you!