Every time political talk turns to the Republicans and Donald Trump, all I can think of is this:
Every time political talk turns to the Republicans and Donald Trump, all I can think of is this:
At least with the Brown Sugar line, we got a cute model:
Let’s Talk About the ‘Queen Size’ Fashions of the 1970s
L-MM is having way too much fun in DC.
Am I wrong for looking at Coco’s pic and thinking “Please put your titties back into that dress!”? I’m all for showing off the goodies if that’s what you want to do, but that just looks...I dunno...strangely try-hardy.
A really good movie that touches on the early days of the AIDS epidemic, and the Reagans’ almost stunning non-reaction to it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/And_the_B…
These two pics are GOLD! Stealing for use at a later post.
+100 for The Stand reference!
This reminds me of a gentleman that I used to work for, who’s mantra was (and I am paraphrasing here): “Don’t just come to me with a problem. Come to me with a solution.” I have used that in my working life for the past twenty years. It allows you to get the issue off your chest, while putting the onus on you to come…
Clear lack of priority, in terms of budget and spending. And it still makes absolutely no sense. There is little to know political will as it concerns crimes against mostly women and children (Rape and Domestic Violence). You would think these law and order types would put a high priority on ALL violent crimes.
You make a good point. If he is truly interested in getting his life together, this is as good a time as any to do it. ANd he would be in good company as well:
Respect the hustle!
Poor person that I am, I have been a devotee of Hanes cotton panties, and Playtex 18-hour bras all of my adult life. Anything I can get 6 or 7 in a pack for $8 or $9 works fine for me, as my gyno suggested I might want to go all cotton all the time. and the 18-hour bra more than lives up to it’s name: wirefree, and…
Thank Dog, for living in California, and plenty of decent, inexpensive wine. Of course when the drought ruins the crops in wine country upstate, we will all be either in tears, or in jail for murdering each other.
This I get. I was raised first Baptist, then non-denominational, and after a long stretch of nothing, now Lutheran. My experiences of church, in and of itself, were never a bad thing. Probably because every church we attended had a pretty liberal, progressive bent, I never noticed a lot of the Conservative, political…
That is a 5150 hold if I ever saw one. I hope 72 hours is enough time to get her stable enough to go home.
I had read some of this before, but people have been saying for years that she wasn’t what she presented herself to be, even back in her Hollywood years. She pretty much mastered the casting couch: http://wonkette.com/599350/a-firm-…
This. Is. Gold! And basically me every Sunday. My kids get so frustrated they go sit in the car.
I love that baby snow suit. Almost makes me want to move somewhere that it gets cold so I can see them all of the time. Almost.
Zootopia might be a testament to how seriously we treat children now, but if the result is that we’re making movies that start conversations for them and for ourselves, that’s an incredibly heartening development.